Protect Yourself & Your Barbells!
Whether you're a Busy Gym Owner, Garage Gym Junkie, or Traveling Fitness Fanatic the Barbell Rescue Brush removes your dried chalk, blood, sweat and tears.
Easily Clean & Maintain Your Barbells

Say hello to Barbell Rescue and goodbye to those small, flat, time-wasting brushes! Our barbell brush provides more bristle coverage than any other brush currently on the market. It was designed to help you save time by easily and efficiently cleaning and maintaining your barbells. If you are a gym owner, keep your clients safe and protected by quickly cleaning your barbells between classes!
Whether you are a busy gym owner, garage gym junkie, globo gym goer, or traveling fitness fanatic, let Barbell Rescue help protect you and your barbells.
Instructions For Use
- Remove your dried chalk, blood, sweat and tears with your amazing Barbell Rescue Brush!
- Apply cleaning product of choice (we're personally fans of 3n1 Oil ®)
- Scrub that cleaning solution deep into those knurlings with your marvelous Barbell Rescue brush!
- Wipe down your bar with a towel to help remove any excess cleaning solution.
- Stand back in awe on how easy it was to clean your bar!
- Get back to doing what you love to do!
Shipping Information
Backorder update: New inventory expected on Friday, Sep 22, 2023! All orders to begin fulfillment by Sep 29th. We appreciate your patience and for that we are offering limited time Free Shipping on all orders as a thank you!
All Purchases are Shipped within 3 - 5 Business after checkout confirmation. All Units are Shipped via Standard Flat Rate shipping.

Whether you train at home or in a commercial gym, you need a Barbell Rescue. It’s so much faster and more effective than any other option. You’ll actually use it all the time!

Why do I need to clean my barbell?
Simply put, you've spent a lot of money on your barbell(s) and regular cleaning and maintenance will prolong the life of your barbell and lead to longer optimal performance.
How often do I need to clean my barbell?
This varies greatly depending on where you live (high humidity), how often you use your barbell(s), and how many you have. That said, for a gym owner, we suggest weekly or every other week. For home gym owners, every 2-4 weeks will probably suffice. Daily would be ideal, especially if you use chalk. Again, take into consideration your local climate, how often you use the barbell, how much chalk you use, and even how much you sweat. It all adds up and can lead to rust build up if neglected.
How do I clean my barbell?
For quick daily cleaning, scrub the barbell with your brush after use and call it a day. For a little more in depth cleaning; 1) remove dried chalk, blood, sweat and tears, 2) apply cleaning solution of choice 3) scrub solution into bar with brush 4) wipe excess solution off with dry towel.
Will the nylon brush be safe for cerakote or any speciality finished barbell?
Yes! According to our research, most, if not all, manufacturer’s recommend using a firm nylon or plastic bristle brush. If in doubt, check the barbell manufacturer's cleaning recommendations.
How long do the brush bristles last?
Similar to how often you need to clean your barbell, this depends on multiple variables; local weather, chalk vs no chalk, new bar vs overly rusted bar, one bar vs 60 bars, etc. Personally, I have a garage gym w/ 3 bars, live in Alaska, and use my brush 2-3 times/week for almost a year. It's just now "slowing" down but still effective. Our partner in Tampa, FL coaches at a CrossFit gym w/ ~30 bars, they clean 1-2 times/week and, 6 months later they said they "think" the brush is wearing down but it's still effective.
How do I clean the brush once it gets dirty?
You can easily clean with your brush with a washcloth, warm water, and some dish soap. Use caution with scrubbing the outside of the brush housing as it can be scratched.