The Mission Towards Cleaner Barbells
After a number of years as an active member and coach in his local CrossFit community, Kim had a burning desire to own a gym and commit even deeper to the fitness lifestyle he admired. However, he was serving on active duty in the Air Force as an Operating Room Nurse, so owning a gym just didn’t work out in his favor.

Despite his situation, Kim decided to seek out a practical way to help his friends who ran gyms of their own. From his time in the gyms, he decided that cleaning and maintaining barbells had to be one of the least favorable, but extremely important tasks. He also wondered why a flat brush was being used to clean a round object. An idea sparked in his mind and he began to scour the internet to see if there was a product that matched what he saw in his mind's eye. Nothing even came close to what he imagined, so he went into his garage and collected a water bottle, bristles from a different brush and lots of duct tape to bring his idea to life. Thus, the concept of Barbell Rescue was born!

After a series of “so now what” questions, countless hours listening to podcasts, tons of support from friends and continuous looks of concern from his wife, Kim was ready to make his move. He got the design patented, the name trademark approved, brought on his good friend Sammie to help out and found an amazing product design company to help get his concept from paper draft to an actual working tool!
It has been an arduous journey so far, but it’s nearing time to begin the mass production of his invention! In the coming weeks, Kim’s dream to help others rescue back their time, so they can get back to what they love to do is coming to reality!